Categories page with octopress
One thing I really missed with Octopress was a category list page. While it generate a page for each category there is no way to list all categories by default.
The good news is that it's really easy to create one. There are already plugin ready-to-be-hacked on the net, and I'll explain in this post how I did it.
Representations of Gender in Advertising
![Just do it.](
That's the title of this awesome video produced by some students from the University of Saskatchewan .
They cherry picked some ads to illustrate how
the media are sexist towards women (portraying them as
submissive) and then
them replacing women by men (and vice-versa).
custom 404 page with octopress
I'm still new to Octopress and so far I'm quite happy with it. While it always feel like a trade (between power and simplicity), the choice between HAML or Markdown is really nice.
Anyway one of the thing I wanted to hack was a nice custom 404 page. I found a lot of info on the web but no complete walkthrough, so I decided to write a quick post about it.
oh god why PHP
Seriously. People hate it with passion and creativity designing mugs,
T-shirts, writing
parody code and
full websites about how
frustrating it is. While I am not planning a long complaining post
(although the temptation is strong) I had to do something.
Some fellow bloggers already did a great hating job (kudo to them!). The best posts I could read on the topic are PHP Must Die and PHP: a fractal of bad design . The first one is short and simple while the second is exhaustive and merciless (there is a link to the PHP documentation in its "Credits" section).
PHP is meant to die is also a very interesting post I recently found. It is focused on the "dying programming model of PHP" and its consequences.
Still, it's when you dig into code that you realize how deep the rabbit whole is . When I feel sad and bad at writing programs, I just linger there for a while and soon, I would smile again.
Last time I checked, they were using -INT_MAX
OVH: First steps with FreeBSD
![FreeBSD Logo](
Most of my online stuff (including this web log) is hosted on a dedicated server at OVH running FreeBSD.
Hopefully, I'll be posting more stuff about the services I configured later on. This post aim to guide you to the very first steps that you might want to take (regardless of what your server is going to do in the end).